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Our First System Developed to Manage Section 8 Housing Programs

Did you know that as of Jan 2020, New Mexico reported 3,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given day (usich.gov)? The endless effort to fix homelessness requires a more effective tool to manage the work and measure success.

For 1243 days, the Noventum™ team has been working with one of the nonprofits in New Mexico, building and refining Roofs™, the housing management system that can effectively help housing coordinators put homeless people in houses!

Are you a housing management professional that is tired of managing endless spreadsheets manually?

Then, check out Roofs™’s cool features!

Explore Roofs™

Who’s Behind Roofs™?

Roofs™ logo design

Jeanne helped design a Roofs™ logo to replace our client’s main logo in the application. The Roofs™ logo needed to have a similar font and layout to fit in a horizontal position. Above are some of the design iterations before the client and Noventum™ chose the final logo.

View other design projects »

Roofs™’s friendly interface

Anwar was the main person in charge throughout the development phase. Now that we are at the maintenance phase, Anwar is working on Roofs™’s new features and keeps refining the system.

Check out Roofs™’s features »

Brian joined the groundbreaking ceremony at Winrock Town Center and talked with many developers about their projects, seeing if Roofs™ could help them.

Brian has been working on Roofs™ sales, and getting a lot of prospecting support from Samantha – She finds leads, organizes them, and gets them ready for Brian to call or show up at their offices.

Meanwhile, Ngoc has been helping with marketing – thinking through customer discovery, and providing marketing support. Brian has been making the cold calls, and seeing which doors (or roofs!) are open, and which are shut.

In addition to focusing on Roofs™, Brian has been pushing other Noventum projects forward, keeping clients and workers happy, and things running as smoothly as possible at Noventum.

Our Other Activities

Creating a WordPress Plugin

Pavel built a new WordPress plugin to make it easier to change product attributes. Instead of clicking into each of the 3,000 products to make changes, now our customer can run the plugin and makes changes within 3 seconds!

Meet Pavel »

Spring Framework

Rajesh is learning the Spring Framework to help develop Java applications. Meanwhile, he assists the team to add new quality code and solves any kind of issues related to programming.

Meet Rajesh »

Sam, our Admin, has been learning more about PHP, MySQL and JavaScript to become a full stack developer while assisting clients whenever they have an issue or technical problem.

Enjoy your Summer!

Thank you for staying connecting. Stay safe!

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